What Causes Metabolic Syndrome?

In short, chronic ingestion of carbohydrates causes metabolic syndrome. Specifically, high glycemic carbohydrates. However, not all carbohydrates are the same.
When we have a high percentage of our diet and calories that come from high glycemic carbohydrates, over many years, it is our body’s adaptive response to begin producing the risk factors that are associated with metabolic syndrome. But just like the body adapts when we consume unhealthy things for our body, the body does the opposite when we put healthy things in our body.
Carbohydrates are essentially complex sugars. How quickly our body can break carbohydrates down into sugars, determines how quickly carbohydrates can raise our blood sugar. When our bodies break carbohydrates down into sugars very quickly, those carbohydrates are referred to as high glycemic carbohydrates. When our body breaks carbohydrates down into sugars more slowly, those are referred to low glycemic carbohydrates.
The continuous and regular ingestion of high glycemic carbohydrates is what leads to obesity, metabolic syndrome, and Type II Diabetes.
When blood sugar rises quickly (ingestion of high glycemic carbohydrates), our body releases insulin rapidly. Insulin brings down our blood sugar levels. Subsequently insulin in the blood rises rapidly, and blood sugar then drops rapidly. Unfortunately, insulin doesn’t lower as quickly in the blood as the blood sugar does. When insulin is above a certain level, the body retains the fat storage that it already has, or it packs on more unhealthy fat.
When people continuously spike their blood sugar over and over again through the ingestion of high glycemic carbohydrates, they retain and gain weight over time. This leads to much frustration for an individual. Many people are simultaneously working out an hour or more a day and still not losing the weight they desire to, and many times plateau out in their weight loss. An hour plus a day of working out does not necessarily lead to weight loss. Their diet is the issue. Specifically, their hormonal regulation is not being normalized. So it ultimately doesn’t matter how much they work out, they will not lose the weight. This can very well lead to hopelessness when it comes to weight loss.
However, our program has had great success in correcting this exact physiological process in the body. Regulating insulin in the body, along with several other components of our program has led to some phenomenal weight loss even when other attempts have failed.
If you need help with your weight loss, feel free to give our offices a call to set up a consultation with one of our doctors. We will see if we can help you lose the weight once and for all!